Alaska Trek
The Alaskan Adventure
Visiting families in Alaska, living in their homes and hearing their stories will be a grand experience to understand the glorious people and the majestic land. Check out the BEAR! blog on my home page!
Critters in Alaska!
People of Alaska!
Trekkin' and Hiking
Vistas in Alaska!
The land and the water provide and... can take away.
There is a core to connected Alaskan people that directly relates to what nature provides. Nature can provide sustenance, dangers and bountiful beauty.
I went through culture shock arriving back in South Florida because survival was related to highway driving and filling the day with shopping.
How do we stay directly connected with what is authentically important...
Perhaps we go to Alaska!
Going Deeper
Internment of Native Alaskans during WWII came as a big surprise.
There have been so many injustices that have occurred because of the attitude of colonialism (WE know better than the local, grassroots or native communities and so WE take over THEM). It has occurred so many times in the US history and in humanity's history.
Native Alaskans were placed in unsanitary detention centers. Their lands and rights were taken away. Pipelines wanted to go through sacred lands.... I head that this historical tapestry is filled with, "conflict and harmony" as the multitude of cultures, corporations and collages collide.
When I asked Benjamin S. (you can see his native artwork on the People of Alaska's gallery to the right) how do we help heal this history, he replied that we don't need to do anything, but we do need to stay out of their plans to De-Colonize by retaining and continuing the education of Native Alaskan's culture. Good advice except I believe education can help as we hopefully learn from our history and mistakes.
There are apologies in my heart for our past injustices